News, Updates, & Resources

How to Be Seen as a Leader (Before You Get the Title)

Here’s the thing about leadership: nobody is going to just hand it to you. If you’re waiting for someone to magically recognize your potential and grant you a promotion, you might as well be waiting for a unicorn to deliver your morning coffee. It’s not happening....

The Art of Saying No: How Boundaries Can Change Your Life

Saying no should be simple. One word. Two letters. Easy, right? Wrong. Most of us struggle with it like we’re trying to defuse a bomb. We over-explain, soften the blow, wrap it in bubble wrap, and still feel guilty for saying it. And if we don’t sugarcoat it? Oh boy....

Why Women Apologize Too Much at Work (And How to Stop)

Ever caught yourself apologizing for something completely ridiculous? Like… asking a question in a meeting? Or walking past someone in the office hallway? Or just existing? Or—what if you’re one of the rare few who doesn’t over-apologize? Oh, you already know how this...
How to Be Seen as a Leader (Before You Get the Title)

How to Be Seen as a Leader (Before You Get the Title)

Here’s the thing about leadership: nobody is going to just hand it to you. If you’re waiting for someone to magically recognize your potential and grant you a promotion, you might as well be waiting for a unicorn to deliver your morning coffee. It’s not happening....

The Art of Saying No: How Boundaries Can Change Your Life

The Art of Saying No: How Boundaries Can Change Your Life

Saying no should be simple. One word. Two letters. Easy, right? Wrong. Most of us struggle with it like we’re trying to defuse a bomb. We over-explain, soften the blow, wrap it in bubble wrap, and still feel guilty for saying it. And if we don’t sugarcoat it? Oh boy....

Why Women Apologize Too Much at Work (And How to Stop)

Why Women Apologize Too Much at Work (And How to Stop)

Ever caught yourself apologizing for something completely ridiculous? Like… asking a question in a meeting? Or walking past someone in the office hallway? Or just existing? Or—what if you’re one of the rare few who doesn’t over-apologize? Oh, you already know how this...